
Son Ji Chang - Oh Yeon Soo, face-to-face 'good-looking parents' photo shoot

Couple Son Ji-Chang and Oh Yun soo looks like angels holding a baby.

The couple participated in the 10th Anniversary of Cho Se Hyun's "Love's Photo Exhibition" where two people are willing to took part in the photoshoot.

Cho Se Hyun suggested this event to the Social Welfare Society "2003 letter of the angels". The rationale behind will be as a gift for the 101 pictures of adopted children.Photos from 10years until now will be dispayed at 전시장 한 코너.

The place is at Jongno-gu, Seoul, Gwanhun 188.The days of the event will be on December 20-24.

permalink: http://isplus.joinsmsn.com/article/714/10145714.html?cloc=
photo by: Cho Se Hyun | @4portrait