
[News Update] Actress Oh Yeon Soo exclusive modeling contract to 초록마을(Green Village)

August 6 2012

[Healthy Cookie] 초록마을(Green Village), an eco-friendly organic leading brand in the Republic of Korea, has selected Actress Oh Yun soo as the 6th ad model.

초록마을's marketing team leader Cho Young Hee said "Oh Yeon Soo pure natural beauty appropriate for an eco-friendly green organic food brand image, 초록마을's brand image is expected to give a level upgrade" said "simple 초록마을 model advertising activities does not stop here, Oh Yun soo with various promotions will make even more consumers becoming familiar to it(the product) by having a common ground, "he said.

[Source/Permalink: http://news.kukinews.com/article/view.asp?page=1&gCode=cul&arcid=0006317899&cp=nv]


Bakery is now open!

May 30 2012

Actress Oh Yun soo announced in her tweeter account about their new business. She posted a photo with a caption saying "Bakery is now open! I'll go to work everyday ~~ ㅎ http://twitpic.com/9qwox9"

The name of the bakery is  V A K E R 107 located at ~1F 315 bldg 3-15 Cheongdamdong Gandnamgu, Seoul, Korea 135-498. 

The 107 now serving!~~have some time and have a visit~~ ^^